MARCH 19, 2019

Every year Forte invites clients and partners to join them in forming a volunteer team to help prepare and serve a meal to the families residing at the original Ronald McDonald House.
The picture opposite shows some of the Forte team, accompanied by founder and active board member, Jimmy Murray.
The Ronald McDonald House was founded in the mid 1970’s in Philadelphia by Pediatric Oncologists, Dr. Audrey Evans, Dr. Milton ‘Mickey’ Donaldson, and  Philadelphia Eagles General Manager, Jimmy Murray. Working closely with gravely ill children, Dr. Evans recognized that the child’s capacity to fight illness was strengthened when the children were surrounded by the support of their families.  Unfortunately, however hotels, parking, meals and lost income are all expenses many families could not bear, nor could those expenses be insured. There are currently 366 Ronald McDonald houses situated near children’s hospitals and treatments centers in 64 countries and regions, and it all began right here, in a beautiful mansion at 3925 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia.